Iterm2 docker
Iterm2 docker


The out-of-the-box configuration is usable but you probably want to customise it to suit your needs. The installation script should set zsh to your default shell, but if it doesn't you can do it manually: chsh -s $(which zsh) Configuration


Install Oh My Zsh: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL )" It comes with a bunch of features out of the box and improves your terminal experience. Oh My Zsh is an open source, community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. zshrc and lives in your home folder ( ~/.zshrc). The configuration file for zsh is called. Note that you should pick one of them, not use both.

iterm2 docker

Now you should install a framework, we recommend to use Oh My Zsh or Prezto. Install zsh using Homebrew: brew install zsh This file is found in the bottom of this page. We put this in a separate file to not pollute our main configuration file too much. We’ve also included an file where we store our aliases, exports, path changes etc. It's also highly recommended to install a framework with zsh as it makes dealing with configuration, plugins and themes a lot nicer. The Z shell (also known as zsh) is a Unix shell that is built on top of bash (the default shell for macOS) with additional features.

iterm2 docker

  • If you’re using BASH instead of ZSH you can add export CLICOLOR=1 line to your ~/.bash_profile file for nice coloring of listings.

    Source Code Pro can be downloaded using Homebrew brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts & brew install -cask font-source-code-pro

  • Change the font to 14pt Source Code Pro Lite.
  • Change the cursor text and cursor color to yellow make it more visible.
  • Download one of iTerm2 color schemes and then set these to your default profile colors.
  • Go to profiles -> Default -> Terminal -> Check silence bell to disable the terminal session from making any sound.
  • Set hot-key to open and close the terminal to command + option + i.
  • Here are some suggested settings you can change or set, they are all optional. Use Homebrew to download and install: brew install -cask iterm2 Customization Colors and Font Settings It’s highly customizable and comes with a lot of useful features.

    iterm2 docker

    ITerm2 is an open source replacement for Apple’s Terminal.

    Iterm2 docker